Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yeah, I've been a lousy, delinquent blogger. It was so easy, so simple to just sit down at the end of the day before my internship started and write for an hour or so. Now? Not so much. By the end of the day, I'm pretty well exhausted and, save a Skype conversation or two and working on my practicum portfolio, my nights are very quiet.

So what have I missed updating on? In no particular order, I've spent some time in the Lower East Side, Greenwich Village, Soho and the Bronx. I visited an incredible NYC longboard shop and saw the Indians beat the Yankees at the new Yankee Stadium. I had a celebrity sighting, have given directions to about a dozen confused subway riders and have eaten a few very good meals.

With the internship, my weeks are pretty limited as to exploring, but this last "weekend" (Monday and Tuesday), I set out to visit Longboard Loft, just outside of Chinatown, to pick up some new slide wheels. I came up out of the subway station into what you could have told me was China. Open air fish markets, boxes of unidentifiable raw ingredients, all prices written in Chinese characters. Slightly younger Chinese walked beside hunched over, elderly Chinese, helping them along the markets, values from the mainland. One thing that I've grown to appreciate about New York: a 10 minute train ride can transport you to another continent.

Anyway, that's about all I have for tonight. I'll be attempting to get back into blogging more often!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like NY is as awesome as I always pictured it to be. What does it say about me that when you said "skull hunting" I imagined human skulls?
